If you want to return your product within 60 days of its delivery, you have the option to initiate a return process by sending the item back to the provided address. Upon receiving the returned product and assessing its condition, we will proceed with the refund procedure.

To request a refund:

  1. Ensure that you submit your refund request within 60 days of receiving your order. Verify the shipping date mentioned on the package.
  2. Send an email to: support@javaburncoffee.co
  3. Ship the product to the following address for returns:22701 Trolley Industrial Dr, Ste C
    Taylor, MI 48180, USA

Refund Steps:

  1. Complete the enclosed returns and refunds paperwork included in the package.
  2. Dispatch the products to the designated address provided above.


  • The expenses associated with the return shipment will be covered by the vendor.
  • Java Burn does not assume liability for the shipping or refund process.
  • The retailer may not cover the cost of the return shipment.

We greatly appreciate your patience as we meticulously process your request and manage your order. A confirmation email detailing the refund process will be sent to you. Once your request is approved, the refund will be processed accordingly.

Java Burn Coffee
Java Burn Coffee